Gary Griffiths

Born in Pembrokeshire, Gary has lived in North Wales throughout his adult life. A self-taught artist he has successfully exhibited in several solo and group exhibitions since retiring four years ago to concentrate on painting full time. His work is currently displayed in several galleries across Wales and in Ireland.

Sometimes Gary employs traditional watercolour techniques to enjoy the freshness and transparency of the medium, however he also loves to experiment and has developed a personal style that aims to capture the unique aspects of the Welsh landscape. He constantly reminds himself of the following advice which is permanently pinned to his studio wall: It’s not a question of starting with a fixed idea or seeing a scene and then sitting down to paint it, but rather of making discoveries through the very process of painting, of remaining open to suggestions thrown up by the substance itself: its liquidity, its density, its luminosity and translucence. (Sue Hubbard - Art critic, novelist and poet)

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